Little White Chapel Vow Renewal | Downtown Vegas
I'd like to devote this post not to newlyweds, but to newly-empty-nesters! (Yeah, I’m totally making that a thing!)
Sheela and Chapy recently became empty nesters after their second moved out and don't we all know how good that's gotta feel? After so many years of changing diapers and taking first steps and doing school projects and teaching them to drive and then finally, finally sending them off to bigger adventures, the years after are all about you. Finding yourselves in love again after so much change and growth is a big deal. And I say what better way to celebrate than a Vegas vow renewal?!
Sheela came to me with a strong vision for their vow renewal photoshoot at the Little White Chapel. I personally think collaboration between client and photographer is SO important, so I was excited to see what she had in mind! We spent the day capturing modern, artistic photos around Vegas and in front of the Little White Chapel. I can never get enough of this historic venue!
When clients come to me with a clear vision in mind and lots of inspiration to work with, the results are always great. Not only does it give me new artistic inspiration and introduce perspectives I might not have considered, it gives us a clear direction to take during your session so we can focus the most on having fun!
And just a note: if you’re worried about not having any inspiration to show me, just know that I GOT YOU! One way or another, I want you to leave Vegas with not just glowing memories, but with pictures you love that will forever transport you back to that day.
Congratulations to Sheela and Chapy on their vow renewal and their newfound freedom in life! If you’ll be an empty nesters soon too, give me a shout and let’s talk about all the reasons why a Las Vegas vow renewal is the perfect way to celebrate!
There are lots of romantic things to consider when choosing a proposal location, but have you thought about these details? Read on for my practical advice on choosing the right spot!